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Emergency Information

All Manheim Central School District families will receive an automated telephone message via the Blackboard Connect emergency notification system when inclement weather forces the closing or late opening of school. Whenever possible a message will be delivered to all district families between 5:15 AM and 6:00 AM due to the bussing schedules.

Emergency Information will also be prominently posted on the District Homepage at, Manheim Central School District Facebook Page, Manheim Central Twitter Page, and Manheim Central Mobile App.

Other sources for information on an emergency closing are:

FM Radio Stations

  • WJTL, 90 FM
  • WDAC, 94.5 FM


Television Stations

  • WGAL, News 8
  • ABC 27
  • Blue Ridge CATV, CH. 11
  • Fox 43
  • CBS 21

Parents are urged to check more than one source for information. While every effort is made to use all of the above sources, technology or other factors beyond our control may sometimes prevent posting of information on a particular source.

Please Note the following:

  • If there is a delay or closing for School District, it also appplies to the transportation of special education students outside of our District and non-public school students.
  •  When schools are closed, even if offices remain open, all activities in School District buildings are closed.
  •  School bus delays may occur throughout the year due to traffic and weather conditions.  The priority of the drivers will be the safety of our students over maintaining the normal route schedule. Student safety is the #1 priority.