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Exit Criteria & Monitoring for ESL Program

The Manheim Central School District follows the state-mandated reclassification and monitoring criteria for English learners as outlined in current PDE exit criteria and the BEC 22 Pa. Code section §4.26, reviewed and revised July 1, 2017.

Program exit from the Pennsylvania English language instructional program for English learners takes place annually between June and September. LEP status of students for the current school year must be determined by September 30 and reported in the PIMS October District and School Enrollment Collection. Students reported as current English learners in the PIMS October District and School Enrollment Collection cannot exit the English language instructional program from October until June.

The reclassification criteria provided below for English Learners (ELs) represent valid and reliable evidence of a student’s English language proficiency to exit from an English language instructional program. An EL must demonstrate the ability to access challenging academic content and interact with other students and teachers both academically and socially in an English language setting in order to be considered for reclassification. Evidence of this ability is demonstrated by the student on the annual English language proficiency assessment, ACCESS for ELLs®, and gathered by teachers using standardized language use inventories

Required Reclassification Procedures and Criteria

Prior to the release of ACCESS scores each year, two language use inventories must be completed for any student that is likely to reach the exit threshold. One inventory will be completed by an ESL teacher, the other by a classroom teacher or content teacher. Once ACCESS scores are released, the points from both inventory rubrics are added to the ACCESS score to determine if a student is eligible to be reclassified.

  • Total possible points from both inventories 7.6
  • Total Possible Points from all components: 16
  • Threshold for reclassification: 10.5
  • When this reclassification score is equal to or greater than the cutoff, then a student should be reclassified. However, if there is compelling evidence to suggest that a student should remain identified as an EL when his/her score exceeds the cutoff, and this evidence is documented along with the ACCESS for ELLs® score report and language use inventory forms, then the EL status may be retained.

ELs with Disabilities - taking the ACCESS for ELLs® may be considered for reclassification if:

  1. The student has an IEP, AND

  2. The student has been continuously enrolled in an ESL/bilingual education program for at least four years, AND

  3. The student’s overall composite proficiency level score on the ACCESS for ELLs® has not increased by more than 10% at any point or total over the three most recent testing cycles, AND The IEP team, with input from an ESL/bilingual education professional, recommends reclassification.

ELs with Disabilities-taking the Alternate ACCESS for ELLS® may be considered for reclassification when:

  1. They achieve a score of at least P2 on two consecutive administrations of the test OR achieve the same score for three consecutive administrations of the test, AND
  2. the IEP team, with input from an ESL/bilingual education professional, recommends reclassification.
  • Although language use inventories are not required for ELs with disabilities as part of the reclassification process, teachers should consider completing them in cases where it is appropriate as a way to document language proficiency at the time of reclassification for future reference if needed

Monitoring Plan for Exited Students

Students who exit from the ESL program are monitored for two years and reported to the state in PIMS for an additional two years, for a total of 4 years. Monitoring guidance and forms are distributed by the ESL teacher to classroom teachers each quarter and can also be found on the district server. Appropriate records of student progress are maintained and filed in the student’s permanent record. Monitoring includes any or all of the following:

  • Periodic Review of Grades
  • Local Assessments
  • Required State Assessments
  • Teacher Observation

ESL teachers may offer support to monitored students as they would for any student seeking additional assistance with classroom work, instruction, or assessment. Monitoring is not an extension of the language instructional program. Students who are monitored cannot be counted as ELs in any state or federal data collection systems for the purpose of acquiring state or federal funding.