Instructional Services for ESD
The ELD program will provide instruction aligned to the PA Common Core Standards to all K-12 ELs using research-based ELD theories and methodologies.
Listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught to all students according to their proficiency levels. A sequential instruction of English for K-12 is provided by using scaffolding and learning strategies. EL students are instructed in the vocabulary of content areas and academic text structures. EL students are assisted in learning the school and community culture as well as appropriate behaviors and language. Classroom teachers, school administrators, guidance counselors, nurses and support staff receive inservice addressing the learning and emotional needs of ELs. Students participating in the ELD program are required, with accommodations, to meet established academic standards and graduation requirements adopted by the Board. The progress of exited ELD students is monitored for two years to determine if additional language instruction is necessary and to provide needed support.
Instruction of ELs
- ELD instruction provides all ELs with daily English language development instruction for social and academic purposes.
Classroom teachers utilize the PA English Language Development Standards (ELDS) as an overlay to the academic standards and incorporate them into planned instruction.
ELD classroom teachers use research-based language development texts for core K-12 instruction.
Supplementary materials such as picture dictionaries, story books, literature, skills books, educational games and computer programs are also used in instruction.
The focus of instruction is developing BICS (Basic Interpersonal Conversation Skills) in the early stages of language development and CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) during the later stages.
ELs must be graded using the same grading system as is used with all other students. Parents of ELs are regularly apprised of their student’s progress and school communications are in the language understood by the parents, whenever possible.
The district utilizes the Language Line service for home/school communications and provides translators/interpreters as needed for conferences.