Academic Committee Meeting
- Manheim Central Curriculum Cycle
- Academic Committee Meeting Agenda with Minutes - 10-02-2023
- Academic Committee Meeting Agenda - 5-1-2023
- Academic Committee Meeting Minutes - 1-5-2023
- Academic Committee Meeting Agenda - 1-5-2023
- Academic Committee Meeting Minutes - 9-29-2022
Manheim Central Curriculum Cycle
Academic Committee Meeting Agenda with Minutes - 10-02-2023
Academic Committee Meeting Agenda - 5-1-2023
MAY 1, 2023
5:00 PM
- Welcome: Introduction of New Committee Chair: Mrs. Jennifer Walker
- Middle School and High School Math Updates and Resource Requests, Miss Fasick, RC Fraley-Hogg, and Kelli Hammond: Board Approval
- Special Education Plan Updates, Pam Watts: Board Approval
- Elementary 3rd and 4th Grade Progress Report Changes, Miss Fasick: Committee Discussion
- Preparing for Future High School Course Offerings, Mr. Weitzel-Committee Discussion
- Title 4 Updates, Miss Fasick-Committee Discussion
- ChatGpt, Miss Fasick-Committee Discussion
Academic Committee Meeting Minutes - 1-5-2023
Academic Committee Minutes 1-05-23
Manheim Central School District Office, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Attendance: Mike Pyle, Joshua Weitzel, Kim Marrolli, Amy Beachy, Steve Bushy, Marissa Lewis, Art Paynter, Mark Reinhardt, Melissa Troiano, Dr. Ed. Frick, Mark Schaffer, Dr. Amy Flannery, and Tracy Fasick
1.Welcome: Dr. Frick and Miss Fasick
- Miss Fasick welcomed the group and shared the upcoming Baron Babies Event that will be at Doe Run on January 18th. The topics will be: Bubble, Pop, Fizz and Fairytale Engineering. She also shared about upcoming kindergarten registration and sending out information to all families from the census to inform them about registration.
2. Elementary Math Curriculum Updates and Resource Requests-Marissa Lewis, Instructional Facilitator and Miss Fasick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction-Board Approval
Elementary Math Curriculum Requests
Miss Fasick shared the process/timeline involved in choosing new resources to match the curriculum:
May 2022-A group of facilitators met to create math progressions for Pre-K to 4. This enables the facilitator to have a continuum of skills by standard in order to see what a learner needs prior and after a current skill.
August 2022-All teachers completed a Math Survey asking what they wanted to see in a new math program/resource.
September 2022-Miss Fasick and Miss Lewis consulted to view potential programs that received high ratings. Chose: Eureka Squared, Envision Mathematics, and Reveal.
October 2022-Elementary Math Committee met and heard presentations from all three publishers. The committee voted and narrowed the decision down to two potential programs: Envision and Reveal.
December 8th-Both Envision and Reveal presented on the half-day to all elementary facilitators. Facilitators completed a rubric and then were asked to vote on their choice of programs.
Facilitators overwhelmingly chose Reveal Mathematics from McGraw-Hill.
Marissa Lewis, Math instructional Facilitator, shared key components of the program including the Math IS Unit, Daily Math Routines, Assessment Pieces, and Differentiation Components.
The total cost requested is for $141,171.40 which is for three years and includes all teacher and student materials, manipulative and digital resources, and two days of professional development. All costs will come from ARP ESSER funds in the Curriculum Budget.
3.High School Curriculum/Course Selection Guide, Mr. Weitzel, High School Principal-Board Approval
High School Course/Curriculum Guide
Mr. Weitzel reviewed changes to the High School Course/Curriculum Guide for 2023-2024. Changes include:
Year long AP Courses will follow a similar format. This impacts Advanced Art Portfolio, AP Chemistry, and AP Research. Courses that run an entire year will now be listed as two credits.
Survival Literature will replace Rebellion and Revolution.
A student tech team will be created at the high school for learners to be able to earn credit as interns and possibly work for the Tech Department over the summer.
America in Conflict will replace Social Movement in American History
Health and Wellness-Some courses will come back as offerings now that there is gym space available again.
Mr. Weitzel also discussed the impacts of construction on the courses being offered.
Mr. Weitzel discussed the Course Selection Timeline with Course Selection beginning for seniors in March.
College in the High School and Weighting of Courses-Mr. Weitzel, High School Principal-Board Approval
Mr. Weitzel discussed the changes in HB: 1642 requiring that College in the High School have the same weighting as AP and IB courses. This means that for 2023-2024 courses will have the following weights:
Advanced Placement Courses will be given a weight factor of 1.3
College in the High School will be given a weight factor of 1.3
Currently, the High School has an agreement with University of Pittsburgh for College in the High for German.
Mr. Weitzel also discussed a new opportunity for learners that would allow for a College in the High School Opportunity through the University of Delaware. This would involve a course taught by a Manheim Central teacher called Entre X Lab: High School Entrepreneurship.This could be an option for programming in the Business Department. Mr. Weitzel’s team will be further exploring this as an option for learners.
4.Multiage Survey Data-Miss Fasick-Committee Discussion Multiage Program Feedback 1-05-22
Miss Fasick shared data from surveys given to Parents, Learners, and Facilitators. Feedback was provided which included many positives and some questions. Principals and Facilitators will address any questions or concerns. A multiage brochure and video are being created to help educate families and the community on the multiage concept.
Academic Committee Meeting Agenda - 1-5-2023
Academic Committee Agenda 1-05-23
- Welcome: Dr. Frick and Miss Fasick
- Elementary Math Curriculum Updates and Resource Requests Marissa Lewis, Instructional Facilitator and Miss Fasick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction-Board Approval
- High School Curriculum/Course Selection Guide, Mr. Weitzel, High School Principal-Board Approval
- College in the High School and Weighting of Courses-Mr. Weitzel, High School Principal-Board Approval
- Multiage Survey Data-Miss Fasick-Committee Discussion
Academic Committee Meeting Minutes - 9-29-2022
Academic Committee Meeting Minutes
Click here to view the minutes of the September 29, 2022 meeting of the Academic Committee.